
Find out how we let you know what's going on and how you can get in touch with us.

It's really important that we have good communication between parents and leaders, so if there's something you need to know or you're not sure of then please speak to a leader at the beginning or end of a section meeting.

In addition you should be given the mobile number of a leader when your young person joins the section, or you can email leaders using the section email addresses:

You'll also find details of our programmes, events and activities on the Online Scout Manager Parent Portal.

Online Scout Manager

Every section publishes their programme and activities on Online Scout Manager. Members can access the programme, event details and other useful information, at any time using their Parent Portal login.

Once you are a member, you will receive an email giving you details of how to access the Parent Portal. This gives you the ability to see the programme, sign up for events and pay subscriptions and other charges. If you are having trouble accessing the Parent Portal then please speak to your section leader.